Magazine "Social Impulses"

The Threefold Social Organism Newsletter

Edt. by Initiative  Network Threefolding, Libanonstr. 3, 
70184 Stuttgart, Tel.: +49 -711-2368950,

Fax 2360218,  E-Mail Frequency 4 times p.a. Editorial journalist Dr. Christoph Strawe. Subscription demands participation in sharing the prime costs (standard rate € 20,- p.a.)

Please note: Until now the newsletter is only available in german language. Only few articles are available in english. These articles are unsalaried translations, done by friends within their freetime. People who can participate in this work or have suggestions to optimize the texts are welcome. For people, speaking only a little german and wishing to use the texts, we recommend the online dictionnary . We experienced it, and find it's a great help.


Labour, Income und Price // The Actual Importance oft the Theory of Karl Marx

The Concept of Reinkarnation and the Social Question

PISA Studies and Bologna Process

Land Legislation // Russia between EU and USA 

Human and Social Organismen

Solidaric Economy and Fair Trade // Climate Change // 
Shadow Phenomena and their Impact on Social Life

Unconditionally Granted Basic Income

Salutogenesis and Social Renewal // Consciousness, Power  and Future

Iran Conflict and Dollar Hegemony // A Therapy for the Health System // The "Butterfly Effect"

The Future of the Public Sector

Spiritual Science and Social Question

After the NO: Where to Go with Europe?

Basic Income and social threefolding

Israeli Perspectives // The Struggle for a New Monetary Sytem

The Debate on the EU Constitution

Spirit or Empire? Societal Revolutions in the 21th Century // The World Social Forum as Open Space

The collapse of the Cancun summit: Where to go with Agriculture? An appeal for a change in thinking* // Freedom and Self-Administration 
* available in English: Farming after Cancun

WTO - Cancun // CivilSociety - a Call to Consciene // Freedom as a Precondition for the Cultural Life

eGovernment and eDemocracy // Americas Global Responsibility // The Reform of the Health System

War and Peace // Cross Border Leasing // European Constitutional Treaty

A holistic approach: Conceptual Building Blocks for a Human and Just Globalisation: The Spiritual Dimension of Globalization // The Political and Legal Dimension of Globalization // The Economic Dimension of Globalization // After Rio + 10: Sustainability - Model or Illusion? // Who owns the Earth? The Question of Modern Land Utilization Laws // The Social Commitment of Capital - Limitations of Free Flowing Capital // Handling Resources under Conditions of Globalization // The Human Right to exist - How to finance the Social Systems // Liberty and Social Solidarity: The Reorganisation of Services // Donations as Condition of Development. Handling "Intellectual Property" // What to do? Civil Society's Strategies and Orientations for Action 

Tendencies: Globalization, Initiation and Threefolding //  Disappearance of Property?

Our World is not for Sale: Services and Intellectual Property Rights // GATS: A Threat to the Communities 

"Another World is possible" - World Social Forum Porto Alegre 2002

The State of the World after the 11th September // The social question as a question of regionalism // Communal effects of GATS

Mandating and  peer leadership // Only the one, who is able to cause peace, can overcome terrorism //  Threefolding or Global Governance? 

GATS - Service to whom? - Civil Society's Alternatives
to The World Trade Organization's Agreement on Services  // Think Globally, Act Locally: Agenda 21

Trisectoral partnership, civil society and threefolding. Contributions from Harrie Salman, Christoph Strawe, Nicanor Perlas, Wilhelm Neurohr a.o.

Threefolding and individual social institution

Fields of shaping social life within task-oriented communities // 
Urbanization and Threefolding

Quo vadis Europe? - The debate on a charter of fundamental rights

Individualization of global responsibility 
Movement for democracy. On  the question of legal framework for the ulilization of land

10 years Initiative  "Network Threefolding" 
Interview with Nicanor Perlas (CADI, Manila).  The impulse of Christ and social renewal

Overall concept work. Fundamental rights in Europe

Kosovo:  Logic of war and logic of peace.
50th anniversary of the german constitutional law. Quality management. The development of the consciousness soul

Where to go with the social security systems? 
Safeguarding the future by converting the form of financing. A Consumption
related social balance instead of incidental labour costs

The Euro is coming. Social targets of the state and constitution. The apocalyptic signature of our time

The movement for social threefolding 1917–1922. 
Outlines of Goethe's policy

The new role of the state. Debate on constitutional law. Unemployment

For other issues see German Text

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