Social Impulses
Initiative Network Threefolding
(Initiative Netzwerk Dreigliederung)
Institute for Social Present-Day Questions
(Institut für soziale Gegenwartsfragen e.V. Stuttgart)
Udo Herrmannstorfer: Pseudo Market Economy
Nicanor Perlas: Shaping Globalization
Udo Herrmannstorfer:
Pseudo Market Economy
Labour, Land, Capital and the Globalisation of the Economy. The book by Udo Herrmannstorfer finally in English (pdf)
Nicanor Perlas:
Shaping Globalization
Civil Society, Cultural Power and Threefolding
The Threefolding Movement of 1917-1922 and Its Present Significance. By Christoph Strawe
GN3-Essay: Importance of Social Threefolding in the Age of the Empire Matrix. By Nicanor Perlas and Christoph Strawe
GATS - Service to Whom?
Civil Society's Alternatives To The World Trade Organization's Agreement on Services. By Christoph Strawe
Position Paper: Farming after Cancun: Agriculture in the WTO and beyond. By Christoph Strawe and Nicanor Perlas
A holistic approach: Conceptual Building Blocks for a Human and Just Globalisation
Threefolding or Global Governance?. By Christoph Strawe
Where to go with the Social Systems?. By Christoph Strawe
Safeguarding the Future by Reconstructuring the Financing of Social Security from non-wage Labour Costs to a Consumption-related Social Rate
Visit the the Site of the
Global Network for Social Threefolding (GN3)
GN3 Co-Founder Nicanor Perlas